Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Blog # 18 --Draft of Research Project

Melissa Capece
December 6, 2011
Eng. 3029
Draft of Research Project

Bilingual Education 

                My chosen focus for this Research Project reflects on the question, “How can Writing Centers or Tutors help Bilingual Students with their writing?  In everyday life, we come across College students who are exposed to the fear of having to compose essays, papers, or simple assignments in Standard English formats. These types of tasks can be very difficult for anyone who is new in the school, coming from other Countries. Initially, it is complicating enough for a Bilingual student to have to grasp the understanding of speaking in English however; they might also need to learn the process of writing in English. Bilingual Education is not seen as a widely conversed topic, even though, when someone really thinks about it, it becomes interesting and controversial, as well.

The problem connects to existing research in ways of how one text mentions, “…schools don’t seem to be providing student’s with “essential tools” for their writing.” (Farr and Daniels, 3) They also note how “Less than 3 percent of student’s time for classwork or homework was devoted or writing a paragraph or more.” (Farr and Daniels, 3) Upon these Author’s expressions, it seems apparent how most American schools are seen as not devoting enough time to generally explain the standards of English, such as composing simple essays or paragraphs. In addition, by not being able to correctly learn the procedures of such tasks, it will become even harder and more strenuous for students to learn how to perform the correct duties.  In order to conduct assignments, you have to know the proper processes, as well as understanding how the words are pronounced in the English language.

Additionally, Farr and Daniels mention that, “…of the time spent “writing” in English and other classes, students primarily were involved in multiple-choice and short-answer tasks. (p.3) As they say, it seems as if this is true, considering most people these days seem to have a more difficult time grasping the ideas of how English derives from concepts. For instance, the American system consists of consonants, vowels, silent letters, etc. There are a lot of “rules” in the English language, which someone might have trouble with grasping initially, especially if they need to incorporate them in a piece of writing.  Also, by simply circling letters as in multiple-choice activities, students are not learning how to understand the actual process of actually writing out letters, words, or phrases. Therefore, their capability to develop well-written documents might not perform to a sufficient stage later on.

Moreover, in a further study, the Authors express how Applebee’s states that, “…students with poor writing skills are no more likely to receive help from their instructors than better writers; and teachers spend more time criticizing student’s writing than teaching writing skills.” (p. 4) With this approach, it seems as if the text refers to how teacher’s believe in teaching their student’s all equal, whether the student be strong in the learning aspect or weak in the learning material. I believe that teachers and professors should be willing to help every one of their student’s. It is obvious, however, how there are hundreds of students per class, which creates a difficulty for teachers to meet with every single individual, meanwhile they should still be opened to offer assistance to those in need. Additionally, it is especially important for professors to provide support for students who are bilingual, considering they most likely need the most guidance. At times, when professors cannot help certain students who do not speak their language, this is where a Writing Center or Tutors come in.

Throughout a Campus, students should be able to find a Writing Center. Writing centers are not only places to go for writing purposes, however, some of them also offer the assistance of having tutors. The tutors there are usually fully trained in various subject areas, as well as most of them are Bilingual Educators. The positives regarding Writing Centers revolve around how students can go there to have a quiet place to study and write, while also receiving assistance from the trained peers. Additionally, most Campuses offer Tutoring, which refers to professionally paid students who are available to help other students with their studies, such as composing a piece of writing. Most tutors are bilingually educated these days, which is beneficial, especially for those students who are in coming from other Countries by their first Semester at a new University.

While the concern with Bilingual Education is being settled, readers of this essay can learn how there are two methods that we focus on. First, “Ethnography” reflects on how everyday people in the Society are studied based on something they are doing. Second, we will express how “Interviewing” comes into the role of a useful method based on our study of Bilingual Education. Let’s start by discussing the initial method of “Ethnography.” This one can be used throughout a Campus or a University by seeing how all kinds of people interact with one another. The ways of how fluent people speak English can sound different to someone who has never heard English before. Some would believe we have “accents” in the range of our voices, while others might not have any understanding of our words. The importance of learning English is high, considering first, someone needs to be able to say their phrases or sentences in Standard English before they begin writing something in English. The idea of “Ethnography” would be used as a way to gather data on a Campus or Community to find out how people come together as an experiment in determining how they feel when it comes to writing courses or assignments in English for College. In addition, I would use the process of “Interviewing” to go to a Writing Center or find a tutor who I could speak with to find out how they feel about assisting those students who have trouble in pronouncing English, as well as to ask them how difficult it would be to work with a Bilingual student.

Along the book of “A Tutor’s Guide”, reads of this paper can learn how …”experienced writing center tutors are accustomed to working with undergraduate, graduate, traditional, and nontraditional students.” (Ritter, p. 54) Based on this quote, we can reflect how we are able to learn to assist others, whether they are in College or not. We also learn from Ritter that, “…when working with English as a Second Language students, we encounter yet another layer of differences. ESL students bring different cultural backgrounds, writing experiences, and English language proficiency to the English writing context.” (p, 54) I believe it is important to be able to assist ESL students in any way possible to help them succeed in their classes, considering it is difficult for those students to grasp the understanding of English in a quickly manner. Additionally, with the concern of learning how to write a well-developed paper or essay in English, there is also the situation of learning the correct ways of using accurate punctuation marks in the piece of writing. For instance, most professors look for specific question marks, periods, and exclamation marks, as well as commas, apostrophes, etc.  These can be hard for new ESL students at first, however with the help or Writing Centers and tutors, the students can learn how to conduct a proper essay or paragraph, while learning how to succeed in class.

Furthermore, another reference states how …”effective teachers are people who have learned to present themselves well and to stage their classroom activities.” (Anson, p. 78) This quote relates to the thought of how teachers, tutors, Writing Centers, and professors all should provide a positive atmosphere for their students. Having a “welcoming” and positive environment can help promote a good feeling in the area or room. Also, by being patient and supportive can show the person that you are there to be of guidance and not just to “be there”; Being truly supportive can make someone feel as if they can succeed.

In conclusion, we have come to discover …”How Writing Centers and Tutors can help Bilingual Students with their writing”. It is important to realize just how many people in our world, especially today, have difficulty in speaking English, as well as having to compose a piece of writing. Not only can certain services, such as the Writing Centers or going to a Tutor ne helpful, however everyday people can also be of assistance to these students, as well. Providing guidance along with support is helpful for ESL students, while leading towards succeeding in their classes. Imagine yourself coming from a new Country, not knowing any English, and being put in the situation of having to compose an essay for your new College class. In these cases, the thought of being able to go somewhere for assistance to learn the proper techniques of Standard English would most likely be highly appreciated!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blog # 17 --Research Project Update

For my Research Project, I am working with the question / theory of "How can Writing Center tuturs or tutors help assist Bilingual students with their writing?" The main purpose of this question focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of how different students react to the task of writing a paper or an essay for their particular class, when they are not comfortable with speaking English. Most of the College Campus, for instance, is made up of Spanish, French, African-American, Portugese, or Italian speakers. In this case, the assignment of creating writing for someone who does not speak English can be very difficult, which is where writing centers or tutors can be on great assistance.

The methods that will be using include "Interviewing" and "Ethnography". First, "Interviewing" is important, since I would interview some of my fellow classmates whose language happens to be Spanish, Portugese, etc. to determine how they personally feel about having to conduct papers in standard English. It would be interesting for me to find out their thoughts and opinions, considering speaking other languages could build a bridge between actually "talking the language" and having to "write about it". Also, I would give my peers advice in letting them know how the Campus offers tutoring and writing centers, where they can go to gain assitance, so they will be able to succeed in their classes. In addition, I would also use the "Ethnography" method, considering ..."it reflects on studying the affects of how people speak and use their languages in Society." Everyday, hundreds of us attend meetings, conduct essays, or simply go to events, and it is important to be enable to understand the outcomes of situations, as well as to realize what our peers are saying. By using the "Ethnography" approach, it can make you learn how we, in Society, use various languages to speak, which tends to be easier than having to actually write in another language.

Furthermore, my theory uses the reference of Bruce Shanti's book, "ESL Writers: A guide for writing center tutors". This story is an example of enhancing Ethnography, upon how writing center tutors are taught to learn various types of languages, so the instructors will be able to assist their students/peers in the writing. ESL Tutors should explain English writing thoroughly and clearly, so their learners will be able to understand how to do the assignment. Additionally, writing centers have the responsibility of assisting students in learning the concept of conducting papers and other tasks. With the concern of speaking another language, the center personnel should be trained to have the ability of being bilingual, so they can help those who come in for the support.

I believe it is important for everyone to be able to succeed in the world, so no matter what language you currently speak, you should be able to learn another one. Many people struggle in our world with the battle of speaking more than one language of non-English, however that can change. Everyone can feel comfortable at some point in time to become stronger in English. That is where the writing center tutors and tutors are most importantly needed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog # 16 --Research Project

For my Research Project, I am choosing to focus on the topic of "Bilingual Education". This topic seems interesting, considering it reflects on how various people in our world speak several languages, while being in College or a school-setting. In my opinion, Bilingual Education is fascinating because it can make you realize how there are people out there who know how to conversate in either Spanish, French, English, Portugese, ... etc.

Throughout this Project, you will learn several aspects regarding "Bilingual Education", such as "How can someone learn to speak more than one language?", "Are there any classes someone can take to receive assistance and guidance in learning new languages?", "Do you need to be raised in knowing a certain language in order to speak it more fluently?", and "Could speaking a different language in class cause problems?"

Moreover, I would study this topic on the college campus by asking some of my bilingual speaker friends how they cope with language barriers. I realize how it must be difficult for them to understand how professor's speak, considering most of them usually only speak in English. Also, I want to study the topic this way because it will be interesting to me with learning how various languages could interfere and/or enable a person's education. My method would consist of "Ethnography", since it focuses on using people in society which will assist me in developing findings of data to use in reflecting my evidence.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blog # 15 ...Revising Plan for DA essay

The plan that I will be following to revise my DA transcript essay is as follows:

First, I will outline a web of the important evidence that I am using to support my essay. I'll then add that information into my Introduction Paragraph to include more information about the topic  "How can the internet be safer for the A to use".

Second, I will make the body of my paragraph stronger by explaining my main points. The support of each point will be stated, followed by the examples of what the A says in the transcript.

Third, I will state a Conclusion that summarizes the whole essay as a recap. It will include questions that a reader could be able to ask his or herself by reading the transcript., which might leave them questionable or feeling good / "safe" to use the computer. I will try to provide as much evidence as possible, so that readers would be able to figure out background information regarding the transcript.

Throughout the essay, I will provide organization and structure to make the points clear, while joining them together to help promote the evidence.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog # 14 ...DA Essay Feedback

In my opinion, I believe I did a good start reflecting on the "Chat Room Transcript" because I included details regarding on how the A can learn to have a safer place to go online. The A believes that they can use the internet appropriately, which is a good thing. I also provided the example of how "language" is important in the transcript by disussing ways of how the character answers Sally's questions.

Based on reading some of my peers' essays, I have learned that as a continue my essay, I will need to expand my thoughts of how the internet can be a safer place for everyone, not just the A. Also, my reflections of the transcript are going to be portrayed by the interviewer's actions, as well as from the A's reactions.

This assignment started off being very difficult for me, as I had been confused. However, by practicing the tasks and seeing my classmates views, I am becoming more understanding of what is required to be learned. I think this transcript is the simplest one, which is beneficial, considering it creates an easier format of the work.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blog # 13 ...Draft # 2 of the DA Transcript

For my Discourse Analysis essay, I chose to use the "Chat Room Transcipt". My main focus of the transcript reflects on how "the internet can be a safer place for the A".  The main points include how I believe that using evidence, such as the phrases, "I can do it" and "more familiar with" seem to provide a background for the thoughts of how "if I can do it, then I will know what I can and can not do something, or what I should be doing and should not be doing, and will therefore be more mature online." Additionally, such language provides a pattern of ways as to how the A speaks, showing that there conversation / interview seems to end with the A feeling "more secure" or using the Internet.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blog # 12 --Draft of the Transcript

For my Discourse Analysis Assignment, I chose to use the "Chat Room Transcript".

Main Question/Focus: How can the Internet make the A feel less indanger about being in a Chat Room?

Evidence: The use of Language "I was more familiar with it", "I was able to e-mail who ever I wanted", "very familiar with the internet", "I liked talking to my friends". Also, the use of Pronouns: "I" is used a lot towards the end of the Chat Transcript to indicate how the A explains how he started becoming more aware of what is a part of the internet. Additionally, it brings the focus onto him more directly. Moreover, by feeling more confident about the internet should make the A feel better about going online. Dangers can easily scare someone away from something, as with the person being interviewed by use of the Computer.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog # 11 --Transcript

For this Transcript assignment, I chose to use the "Chat Room Transcript". This transcript focuses on "How Dangerous can a Chat Room be?" And, "What effect did the internet have on the person being interviewed (in this case, the A) ?" Regarding these focuses, the main points reflect on how at first, the A was scared in the Chat Room situation, however then he begun to think it was funny. The feelings of danger, such as threats, and the thoughts of how the A's parent's did not know what was happening seemed to also cause scared emotions. It seems as if the "scared" thought winds up giving the A confidence as in "I can do it", as they became more familiar with using a computer and learning how to be more wise on the Internet. In addition, this transcript reflects on how Chat Rooms can be dangerous places on the computer, considering you don't know who really is on the other end of the chat. Anyone can go on it, not knowing who they are "talking to". Besides the thought of danger, the A could have also ruined their reputation as a person.

Additionally, the language being used to indicate the focuses includes:
He knows that he can do it, as from the phrase: "very familiar" of how the A can work the computer. Also, the usage of words, such as "dangerous" - "I'm not sure"- "I think"  express the dangers and non-reassurance of whether or not the programs on a computer are safe. Plus, "was" indicates the "past" and "going to" indicates the "future". Also, the Pronouns such as "you"-"I"-"it" and "your" reflect on which person is speaking in which tense. All of this resembles the actions of how the A and Sally speak throughout the interview.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Blog # 10 --Excerpts

For Excerpt # 1 on the single handout, we discussed several methods of how an Author can use Discourse Analysis to interpret the interview. First, "the use of Pronouns" comes into effect by identifying, counting, and grouping each pronoun to see whcih character speaks longer, as well as who seems to have the most affect in the interview. They also represent "Self-Representation. For instance, the "A" spoke more frequently in this part, than did "Sally". Second, "the use of feelings/danger" is shown, as the "A" discusses how dangerous Chat Rooms can be, causing it to become a scary experience. The deep voice and threatening ways of how the subjects' parents didn't know what was occurring made this even more intriguing. Third, the "gender of a person" is shown as being important here, as well. Usually, in a case that involves a man, the victim would be more suspectful.

Questions: What affect did the internet have on the "A"? And, how did the interviewer affect how the "A" felt?

For Excerpt 2 on the single handout, we come to see how much control the "we" has in the interview. The use of pronouns becomes a main focus, when someone does Discourse Analysis, considering it gives you the understanding of who has more control over a topic. Also, there are several transitions represented by laughter. The four transitions discuss the "funny story" which then lead to it becoming a "wierd story" of when the A was part of a chat room. The various emotions/actions develop ways of how the story lines change or become interconnected with one another.

Question: How did the interviewer feel?

In Excerpt 1 on the stapled handout, it seems as if both Chandler and "M" have equal say in the interview. They discussed how computers can help someone learn Math and Education. Also, the feelings being portrayed reflected on what was happening in the interview. For instance, learning how to use the computer would seem to cause the "M" stress and fear. However, sometimes, things just can't be known even during an interview, such as when Chandler mentions "I wish I had asked why at this point." "M" seemed to not know how the computer program could actually be beneficial to helping her learn the Math. "M" was "fighting the thought". Interviews can tend to leave questions unstates as in being open-ended.

Question: Why couldn't the interviewer return to her last point to discuss more of the open-ended concerns with the "M"?

Lastly, in Excerpt 2 on the stapled handout, "M" seems to do more of the speaking. They discuss how the "M's" school experience was in the Fall. Again, the pronouns come into the interview by the use of "I", "we", and "you". They discussed how the internet was beneficial, where "M" expressed feelings of how it did help to gain more knowledge about the subject material.

Question: How was the internet beneficial for the "M"?

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog # 9 --Part 2

In the "Gaming Transcript", we discussed "Message Units" and "Interactional Units". Both of these seem to focus on a certain topic, however the "Interactional" one deals with two people or more. They are ways of how someone says something. Throughout the given transcript, the reader tends to learn how Chandler and the other person reflect on software as being games. Transitions occur during signals, such as feelings of laughter or hestitations.

The transcript with patterns of actions:

Interview between Chandler and another person.

Message Units—Something that someone says—One topic between two people

Interactional Units—A discussion between more than two people on the same topic.

Interactional Set 1—Discussing the software as a topic:

Ch        I wanted to talk a little, you  talk about yourself as a hardware expert, you said software novice, although I bullied you into being competent, what software do you know how to use?
B          you know, what everyone else knows how to use, word, frontpage, powerpoint, excell, spreadsheet things
Ch        so it's interesting, games aren't really considered software are they?
B          they are -
Ch        so you know lots of software
B          yeah, but it's just games (laughing) –Laughs = actions and transitions to new topic.

Interaction Set 2—Discussing software as a game:

Ch        so what kind of crossover did you find between learning the games and learning the software everyone needs to know?  Obviously it wasn't real hard for you to learn, frontpage
B          I think it's because I had ah, background exposure
Ch        what background?
B          Well, just in learning how to learn a program, I just see buttons, tool tips and ah I make a go at it, the scissors mean I can cut in here, and I can just cut and drag and drop - these a simple things everyone knows, I guess the only reason I can pick up learning a program is that I just have that knack, no other way to explain it.
Ch        that's literacy - you have the basic tools, the right basic set of assumptions for how to read, understand, interpret a program.  And so what I'm looking for is the connection between all the gaming experience you have and your ability to do that with the applications - the academic applications
B          well like a lot of games, in the beginning, there's menus.  You don't just start playing.  There's menus, you get to customize your decal your spray, clothes,
Laughing –Laughs indicate the transition.

It's not all playing the game it's a lot of process to prepare for it, there's like box, scripts, you practice it, and you're not playing with other people, you're just like fooling around.

Interactional Set 3 –Discussing how the software works as a game:

Ch        OK so all those things - same kinds of processes, same kinds of moves - so navigating menus is something you learned from games that can carry over - anything else?
B          I think that is the main thing, I can't connect a First person shooter with Microsoft word, that would be a real stretch
Ch        how about file systems and gaming spaces?
B          you know, you're right, because the game, the games are still software, and they're still files, so there are certain organization of a game that is different from regular files
Ch  - so what's another thing - so playing those games when you were a little kid set you up to be able to disentangle that DOS system more easily than your stepfather, so what were you doing?
B          like I was navigating through menus
Ch        you got used to trial and error

Interactional Set 4: Discussing how you learn by making mistakes:

B          I wasn't being graded - there's no - all right man, let's pass this class you've got to
Ch        so you're completely comfortable with messing it up and starting over.
B          Oh yeah
Ch        I think the print generation has a lot of hangups with that - what's something else
B          there's a song by Natasha Ben ? I hear it on the radio - it goes like, she says in her song, that we're taught not to make mistakes, we really can't live that way

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Blog # 9 --Part 1

Smiths' Essay focuses on the Sociolinguistic Approach in terms of Discourse Analysis. She first begins by reflecting on the "Micro and Macro Approaches" both into and out of a Classroom. Smith frames her ideas on Educational settings by viewing the classroom as a whole to represent the Macro aspect. In addition, she seems to develop the Micro aspect in ways of viewing each student upon their stengths and weaknesses. Also, Smith mentions the "Interactional Sociolinguistics in Educational Settings". Additionally, there are three main principles which she states are how education influences people, as well as their roles in Society. They include, how people act and react to one another socially in meanings and among identities. Next, how people interact and frame their relationships based on intertextuality and intercontextuality. Then, how people use interactions for opportunities into learning.

Furthermore, Smith discusses "Interactional Units" which is where everyone says something. A student's response can lead the teacher to the next point of discussion. One main point in Smith's Essay is where she seems to point of how she re-states her hypothesis by making connections from within the classroom to her students. Also, Smith makes transcripts, even thought she only seems to focus on her classroom as a whole theory. She chooses language to prove her theory, especially when pointing out her main belief of Discourse Analysis as how teaching methods prove her beliefs. Even though Smith can not prove major things to happen, she is still able to share her opinions and provide ideas for other teachers to use.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog # 8 ...Sample DA Transcript

My Analysis of the Sample DA Transcript reflected on how you need to use several methods in order to gain the full understanding of a literacy text. Several of the methods include: counting, identifying, and determining the hierarchy of power. It seems as if these methods can be used with any piece of writing, especially in story-telling.

For instance, when we looked at the sample DA transcript, we noticed how the interview reflects on using pronouns, emotions, hesitations, and themes. As a class, everyone was told to count how many times the usage of "I", "you", "it", etc. were stated, by counting their appearances and then marking them down. Also,  the thoughts of "macro" and "micro" levels were shown by reflecting on the "micro-level" being in the classroom, whereas the "micro-level" was around the social interactions, the use of language, race and ethnicities. In addition, finding patterns in the story also reflects the micro-level.

Furthermore, by getting deeper in depth with the Interview Handout, the process seemed to become clearer as to what the two ladies were speaking about. Using the concepts of Discourse Anaylsis among analyzing the structures of marking, counting, and reviewing the interview, readers should be able to identify what the work is all about.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blog # 7 --Understandings of Discourse Analysis

Based on the theory of "Discourse Analysis", I understand how it refers to the way people use language by its movements and everyday ways of speaking. It seems as if you need to classify various sections of a story or reading before going to figure out what the whole context is about. For instance, in the example on p. 24, we looked at counting, identifying who had gained the most power, and what was happening between Katie, Michelle, Oscar, and David in the classroom. Their ways of speaking used language to "act out" what was happening in the class, regarding the markers.

The areas that are still hard for me to understand reflect on simply grasping the knowledge of learning how the phrase "Discourse Analysis" refers to language. It's such a long term, however its meaning should not be so difficult. Also, some of the concepts are confusing. For example, the idea of counting how many times a person says a word or phrase. Why does someone need to do this when working with "Discourse Analysis"?

To me, I believe just reviewing the topic in class and pointing out it's key pieces on the board can help give me a better understanding of the term. It will definetaly take time to learn, however by practicing the thought often, I should be able to eventually grasp it's idea.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Blog # 5 --Discourse Analysis

In my opinion, the term "Discourse" relates to discussing a subject by the use of speech. For instance, in a classroom, a professor explains the subject matter to his or her class of students, by use of their voice, while visually projecting the information by use of an overhead projector or chalkboard. Both ways help to get the knowledge connected between the instructor and the students.

In addition, the phrase "Discourse Analysis" seems to mean how a person associates language in everyday use. This could be used as a Research Method as in the "Interviewing" method, considering you would need to communicate information and knowledge between various people in a community to gain your data.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blog # 5 --Constructing a Story

When constructing a Research Project, it is important to clearly set-up a system for brainstorming your ideas before you create the actual framework of wrting. Based on Pope's Essay, the Author uses various ways of gathering her thoughts which brings her to the main theories of her work. In my opinion, every essay or sermon should be written properly so that the reader can interpret the information.

By focusing on Pope's essay, "Teacher Training", we notice how Pope began his work by talking with his peers. With them, he developed thoughts and began collecting words which he could use later in his pieces of work. By discussing plans with your fellow peers, you can gain more knowledge, along with ask for feedback to determine whether or not the storytime makes sense, as well as your work becomes more interesting.

Next, once the dicussion is over, then the Author should be able to begin creating the different data by framing out the various pieces of information using a "web", also known as "clustering". It is crucial to be able to see your work spread out, as an Author, so that you can see everything clearly while expressing your thoughts. Webing can be time-consuming, however it is a main part for any Author or writer.

Then, as the writer finishes up with his or her webing, they would be able to begin their follow-up part, "free-writing". Free-writing allows the Author to continuously write about their feelings and express their data in their own way. It is also a way to put together the data, so the person can clearly see what they will be writing about.

Lastly, after the "free-writing" process, the Author can then wrap-up their thoughts and ideas by putting them into actual "writing phase". This includes taking the information from the web, then bringing it all into a thoughtful format where the Author can construct the story, essay, or sermon. In my opinion, the writing phase is important because that is where the writer reveals all of the depths of his or her story. By developing intense feelings, the person captures the attention of the audience.

Overall, every writer goes through phases to help them create their "masterpieces of writing". Some stories are short, some are long, however every story should be well thought out by its Author. I believe that an audience could tell whether or not the writer put in time and effort into his or her story. It brings feelings into the work, which helps to captivate the person reading it.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Research Projects --Blog # 4

As we approach the discussion on "Senior Seminar", I have began to choose three different types of possible Research Projects that I would choose to conduct as an assignment. First, I'd be interested in learning more about "Teenage Pregnancy".  This topic would focus on why teenagers "choose" to get pregnant at such young ages, in addition with how the pregnancy could literally change their lives.With this, I would use sources, such as observing the College Community and base my research on the alumni's "Oral History" data, while "interviewing" current teenage mothers who I know to discover how their everyday lifestyles have changed due to becoming parents at such young ages. To me, I see this topic was a widely known controversy and realize how much it can affect a teenager. Question: Why do so many teenagers today want to get pregnant?

Second, as another Research Project, I might choose to discuss "Toddlers in Beauty Pageants". This topic has become a controversial issue in the world, especially on TV. There are parents out there who believe it's a "good idea" for their young daughters to be in a contest while wearing explicit clothing, along with performing certain duties, while she should really be attending school and enjoying play dates with a normal life.I could find several pieces of information on this subject matter, such as within a "Textual Analysis" by using the computer to research certain shows, while finding evidence on websites regarding how parents actually feel about observing other parents who urge their own children to pursue their own parents dream. Also, I could use the "interviewing" method again by choosing certain parents who I know and ask for their input regarding this topic. It's main focus would be on whether or not the idea of putting young children into Beauty Contests should be acceptable or not. In my opinion, I don't believe it's a good idea, considering the child is so young, it's simply not a "normal lifestyle" and doesn't seem to be healthy for the child. Question: Why would a parent urge their child to take part in this type of event in the first place, when they child continuously puts up a fight?

Lastly, if I had to conduct a Research Project, I might choose to analyze the concept of "Computers and Technology". This theme interests me because in our world, especially in our Society today, you will most likely see or be around some kind of Technology. In my opinion, it is important to understand the use of Technology because it can help you in its own way. The focus of this Project would be to identify why Computers and Technology are useful for people, as well as how it could help someone do a task. Based on the different methods and sources, I would use the "Oral History" process again, since I could probably determine how well these "tools" have helped people throughout our world's times. By gaining the History, you could learn how Technology either has gained positive impacts in our Society or how it actually has been decreasing in it's value. Also, I might choose to use "Textual Analysis", so I could read about the pro's and con's with what Computers and Technology has to offer. You could learn how people use computers to look up information for a particular task, how they can create Power-Point Presentations, and even how to browse the Internet. Certain people choose to never use a computer in their lifetime because they believe it's simply "too hard" to learn, however, in my opinion, if you take the time to gain understanding of the technology, then chances are you would probably become successful with it. Question: Why have Computers changed from the late 1900's to the 2000's?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Moreno --Blog # 1

Eng. 3029 - Moreno

Moreno's main focus seems to be expressing two highlights: 1. How social and pedagogical issues shape upper-class students who are of more than one culture, and 2. How these types of students use literacy in their everyday worlds to create their own individuality. Each of these points is reflected upon ways in which Moreno describes literacy as "In a University, a tool for control and colonization and... is also used for socializing students to the use of language and discourses in Educational Institutions..." This reflects on how every person uses writing to connect thoughts and ideas. In a shell, readers become informed that these two major theories above are learned thoughout this Article.

In addition, Moreno states how people of different races, ethnics, and cultures are all individuals who should be treated as fair human beings. Adding on, the Sermon explains how everyone learns how literacy is a primary focus in the world. No matter what language a person speaks, we can all communicate with one another, which is why language is such a demanding feature in our world today. Additionally, Moreno impacts how we are all team players in the world, who even though we are all from different cultures, we can still relate to one another.

The Methodological Approach that Moreno seems to be using is the "Social Constructivist Perspective", considering the Article seems to be based on various types of people who learn in different ways all surrounding the theory of Literary Analysis. In my opinion, it does not matter what type of race, gender, or ethicity you have...everyone is an equal person in our world and can be granted the gift of writing, reading, and use of language.

Moreover, methods which could be used based on this Article seem to be "Quantitative Studies" and "Oral History". First, Quantitative Studies are reflected in ways of having numbers of people be involved in the same process, being able to learn writing and reading. Several studies regarding this can be used in business and organizations with groups of people, such as with people in meetings, classrooms with students, etc. Also, regarding the "Oral History" perspective, readers could refer to different types of people and study how everyone learns differently, however we can all learn the same thing, even if it is presented in a different way. Our world is surrounded among various backgrounds and we should all be treated in a positive manner. These are just two of the ways how a researcher can use their skills to gather data and perform an experiement with given variables or be presented with certain variables and form hypotheses to present evidence.

Furthermore, by asking questions, listening, responding, conducting interviews, and even more skills, researchers can determine ways to find out more evidence from their given applicants. Such techniques as these can be used by any researcher to conduct an experiment. Overall, such "tools" can assist anyone in conducting an experiment or gain information about a particular subject.

In conclusion, I would use this "Social Constructivist Approach" in my own classroom to gain knowledge about my students. For instance, I might ask my second graders to create an "All About Me" book, which would consist of their name and two pages of what they like to do, as well as who is in their family. Additionally, they would draw pictures and write what each picture represented. This approach would reflect the interviewing concept, considering I will be asking/telling them the questions/topics of what to add in their books, which would then allow me to find out more about themselves.

Livingstone Article --Blog 2

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Livingstone Article

Throughout our world, the idea of Technology becomes widely known and used by millions of people. Many different types of us come together by the use of electronics, particularily with computers and telephones. These innovations seem to be a critical part of our Country, along with other Countries. As readers review Livingstone's article on "Internet Literacy", they learn how technology and the internet develop a certain type of focus, while working with the terms literacy and literature.

I believe this Article was written to make people aware of how much technology can help someone grasp the understanding of a particular piece of literature. Many places offer the use of CD's and even tapes, which have recordings on them to allow auditorial learners to hear words, which is a huge benefit, especially for those who find a harder time learning based on a visual level as from simply looking at a story.

The genre of this piece seems as if it can be written for any audience ranging from Kindergarten throughout someone's lifetime. There are hundreds of millions of thousands who use the internet every day to either gain new knowledge about a topic, or use it to simply listen to a story online. Even if you happen to be someone who does not understand how to perform the technology, there will most likely always be another person who is willing to assist you. "I don’t find it hard to use a computer because I got into it quickly. You learn
quick because it’s a very fun thing to do.” Nina (17, from Manchester) As from Nina's quote, readers can realize how intentional computers can be, as well as if you become interested in using one, then that motivation will help in making your learning process easier.

Furthermore, this Livingstone Article is organized in ways of using methods, such as "Oral History" and "Interviewing". For instance, it seems like so many people are focused around the idea of using technology, even when they initially find a tough time using it. The history of of world revolves around all of us as different kinds of people, who learn from one another. Also, "Interviewing" comes to be a part when people are asked questions regarding which types of levels they understand, such as when it comes to using a computer. "...Not every family has got a computer, and I think children are disadvantaged if they don’t." -Livingstone , In my opinion, based on this particular quote, I believe it is a beneficial advantage if people have computers in their homes because they can definetaly help children, as well as their parents learn certain things, such as assisting children to learning words or picture sounds for English, alongside the help of their caregiver. Overall, technology can be a good tool for learning, as long as you use it properly and grasp its' main concept.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Education as My Agenda...

For this particular assignment, I chose to review Gertrude William's Novel titled, "My Agenda". In my opinion, this sermon was interesting because it captivates the Author's purpose as what seems to be Education. According to the story, Williams was a principal of a public school. As a part of her job, she had a plan...she "wanted to improve student's performances in her school". To me, this woman becomes a very focused principal whose main focus tends to reflect upon her wanting what was best for her student's academic levels, as well as their daily lives. She spent several years first teaching. then being a counselor, and then gained more than twenty years as a Principal. Regarding this, I believe Williams was trying to convince people to collect confidence in themselves and believe in what they can do to perform certain tasks. If you feel as if you can succeed within a task or position somewhere, then don't let others discourage you!

Additionally, I believe Williams had to examine her interests among being a teacher, counselor, and principal to determine what she felt most comfortable in being. It seems as if she really cared for her students, while working hard to keep control among her school. As a child herself, Williams states how she "...examined the "highs and lows" of being part of an Urban Public Education since World War II". Back then, school districts seemed to have a rougher time due to a lack of finances. However, today, the population of schools seems to be increasing with more students attending, which provides a better environment for teachers.

Furthermore, the types of methods that the Author could have used would include interviewing and analyzing texts. For instance, Williams's use of "interviewing" relates to finding out information from her peers, along with her students to determine which methods work better in her school. According to the Novel, Gertrude Williams was " once an outspoken critic and spirited advocate of the system to which she devoted her life". Based on this quote alone, readers can learn how much time and effort Williams most probably put into her career. Not only was she widely known, however she also seemed to care deeply about her school. And, lastly, this Author used the method of "analyzing texts" when she related Education into the daily life of "Her Agenda". By developing a connection of a school's importance and publishing a Novel about it shows how passionate one can be about a particular subject. Overall, Williams seemed to be a positive role-model for her students and her student-body must have been intrigued by her positive teachings, as well as her dedicated commitment.