Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Research Projects --Blog # 4

As we approach the discussion on "Senior Seminar", I have began to choose three different types of possible Research Projects that I would choose to conduct as an assignment. First, I'd be interested in learning more about "Teenage Pregnancy".  This topic would focus on why teenagers "choose" to get pregnant at such young ages, in addition with how the pregnancy could literally change their lives.With this, I would use sources, such as observing the College Community and base my research on the alumni's "Oral History" data, while "interviewing" current teenage mothers who I know to discover how their everyday lifestyles have changed due to becoming parents at such young ages. To me, I see this topic was a widely known controversy and realize how much it can affect a teenager. Question: Why do so many teenagers today want to get pregnant?

Second, as another Research Project, I might choose to discuss "Toddlers in Beauty Pageants". This topic has become a controversial issue in the world, especially on TV. There are parents out there who believe it's a "good idea" for their young daughters to be in a contest while wearing explicit clothing, along with performing certain duties, while she should really be attending school and enjoying play dates with friends...living a normal life.I could find several pieces of information on this subject matter, such as within a "Textual Analysis" by using the computer to research certain shows, while finding evidence on websites regarding how parents actually feel about observing other parents who urge their own children to pursue their own parents dream. Also, I could use the "interviewing" method again by choosing certain parents who I know and ask for their input regarding this topic. It's main focus would be on whether or not the idea of putting young children into Beauty Contests should be acceptable or not. In my opinion, I don't believe it's a good idea, considering the child is so young, it's simply not a "normal lifestyle" and doesn't seem to be healthy for the child. Question: Why would a parent urge their child to take part in this type of event in the first place, when they child continuously puts up a fight?

Lastly, if I had to conduct a Research Project, I might choose to analyze the concept of "Computers and Technology". This theme interests me because in our world, especially in our Society today, you will most likely see or be around some kind of Technology. In my opinion, it is important to understand the use of Technology because it can help you in its own way. The focus of this Project would be to identify why Computers and Technology are useful for people, as well as how it could help someone do a task. Based on the different methods and sources, I would use the "Oral History" process again, since I could probably determine how well these "tools" have helped people throughout our world's times. By gaining the History, you could learn how Technology either has gained positive impacts in our Society or how it actually has been decreasing in it's value. Also, I might choose to use "Textual Analysis", so I could read about the pro's and con's with what Computers and Technology has to offer. You could learn how people use computers to look up information for a particular task, how they can create Power-Point Presentations, and even how to browse the Internet. Certain people choose to never use a computer in their lifetime because they believe it's simply "too hard" to learn, however, in my opinion, if you take the time to gain understanding of the technology, then chances are you would probably become successful with it. Question: Why have Computers changed from the late 1900's to the 2000's?

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