Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blog # 17 --Research Project Update

For my Research Project, I am working with the question / theory of "How can Writing Center tuturs or tutors help assist Bilingual students with their writing?" The main purpose of this question focuses on the strengths and weaknesses of how different students react to the task of writing a paper or an essay for their particular class, when they are not comfortable with speaking English. Most of the College Campus, for instance, is made up of Spanish, French, African-American, Portugese, or Italian speakers. In this case, the assignment of creating writing for someone who does not speak English can be very difficult, which is where writing centers or tutors can be on great assistance.

The methods that will be using include "Interviewing" and "Ethnography". First, "Interviewing" is important, since I would interview some of my fellow classmates whose language happens to be Spanish, Portugese, etc. to determine how they personally feel about having to conduct papers in standard English. It would be interesting for me to find out their thoughts and opinions, considering speaking other languages could build a bridge between actually "talking the language" and having to "write about it". Also, I would give my peers advice in letting them know how the Campus offers tutoring and writing centers, where they can go to gain assitance, so they will be able to succeed in their classes. In addition, I would also use the "Ethnography" method, considering ..."it reflects on studying the affects of how people speak and use their languages in Society." Everyday, hundreds of us attend meetings, conduct essays, or simply go to events, and it is important to be enable to understand the outcomes of situations, as well as to realize what our peers are saying. By using the "Ethnography" approach, it can make you learn how we, in Society, use various languages to speak, which tends to be easier than having to actually write in another language.

Furthermore, my theory uses the reference of Bruce Shanti's book, "ESL Writers: A guide for writing center tutors". This story is an example of enhancing Ethnography, upon how writing center tutors are taught to learn various types of languages, so the instructors will be able to assist their students/peers in the writing. ESL Tutors should explain English writing thoroughly and clearly, so their learners will be able to understand how to do the assignment. Additionally, writing centers have the responsibility of assisting students in learning the concept of conducting papers and other tasks. With the concern of speaking another language, the center personnel should be trained to have the ability of being bilingual, so they can help those who come in for the support.

I believe it is important for everyone to be able to succeed in the world, so no matter what language you currently speak, you should be able to learn another one. Many people struggle in our world with the battle of speaking more than one language of non-English, however that can change. Everyone can feel comfortable at some point in time to become stronger in English. That is where the writing center tutors and tutors are most importantly needed.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blog # 16 --Research Project

For my Research Project, I am choosing to focus on the topic of "Bilingual Education". This topic seems interesting, considering it reflects on how various people in our world speak several languages, while being in College or a school-setting. In my opinion, Bilingual Education is fascinating because it can make you realize how there are people out there who know how to conversate in either Spanish, French, English, Portugese, ... etc.

Throughout this Project, you will learn several aspects regarding "Bilingual Education", such as "How can someone learn to speak more than one language?", "Are there any classes someone can take to receive assistance and guidance in learning new languages?", "Do you need to be raised in knowing a certain language in order to speak it more fluently?", and "Could speaking a different language in class cause problems?"

Moreover, I would study this topic on the college campus by asking some of my bilingual speaker friends how they cope with language barriers. I realize how it must be difficult for them to understand how professor's speak, considering most of them usually only speak in English. Also, I want to study the topic this way because it will be interesting to me with learning how various languages could interfere and/or enable a person's education. My method would consist of "Ethnography", since it focuses on using people in society which will assist me in developing findings of data to use in reflecting my evidence.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Blog # 15 ...Revising Plan for DA essay

The plan that I will be following to revise my DA transcript essay is as follows:

First, I will outline a web of the important evidence that I am using to support my essay. I'll then add that information into my Introduction Paragraph to include more information about the topic  "How can the internet be safer for the A to use".

Second, I will make the body of my paragraph stronger by explaining my main points. The support of each point will be stated, followed by the examples of what the A says in the transcript.

Third, I will state a Conclusion that summarizes the whole essay as a recap. It will include questions that a reader could be able to ask his or herself by reading the transcript., which might leave them questionable or feeling good / "safe" to use the computer. I will try to provide as much evidence as possible, so that readers would be able to figure out background information regarding the transcript.

Throughout the essay, I will provide organization and structure to make the points clear, while joining them together to help promote the evidence.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog # 14 ...DA Essay Feedback

In my opinion, I believe I did a good start reflecting on the "Chat Room Transcript" because I included details regarding on how the A can learn to have a safer place to go online. The A believes that they can use the internet appropriately, which is a good thing. I also provided the example of how "language" is important in the transcript by disussing ways of how the character answers Sally's questions.

Based on reading some of my peers' essays, I have learned that as a continue my essay, I will need to expand my thoughts of how the internet can be a safer place for everyone, not just the A. Also, my reflections of the transcript are going to be portrayed by the interviewer's actions, as well as from the A's reactions.

This assignment started off being very difficult for me, as I had been confused. However, by practicing the tasks and seeing my classmates views, I am becoming more understanding of what is required to be learned. I think this transcript is the simplest one, which is beneficial, considering it creates an easier format of the work.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Blog # 13 ...Draft # 2 of the DA Transcript

For my Discourse Analysis essay, I chose to use the "Chat Room Transcipt". My main focus of the transcript reflects on how "the internet can be a safer place for the A".  The main points include how I believe that using evidence, such as the phrases, "I can do it" and "more familiar with" seem to provide a background for the thoughts of how "if I can do it, then I will know what I can and can not do something, or what I should be doing and should not be doing, and will therefore be more mature online." Additionally, such language provides a pattern of ways as to how the A speaks, showing that there conversation / interview seems to end with the A feeling "more secure" or using the Internet.